Final seminar in the research project “Connecting vessels to shore-side electricity in Sweden” (KAJ-EL)

Date and time: 7th December 2021, 10.00-12.00

Where: online (Teams)

Register: Before 5th December at the bottom of this page, use the button ”Anmäl dig här”. Free of charge.

Welcome to the final seminar in the research project “Connecting vessels to shore-side electricity in Sweden” (KAJ-EL)!


10.00 Start

Presentation of project results

Motivators, challenges and conditions in Sweden

Technical considerations

Business models

Panel discussion with key actors

Stena Teknik, Ports of Sweden, Göteborg Energi, Transportstyrelsen and ABB

12.00 The End

About the project

Using shore-side electricity in ports is a relevant current issue in the transition to fossil-free shipping. Yet, the degree of electrification in Swedish ports is increasing slowly and at present few Swedish vessels make use of this solution. Drawing on industry needs, this research project supports increased usage of shore-side electricity.

Project partners