ECSA EU Funding Seminar on 27 November

We would like to provide you with further information concerning the ECSA Seminar on EU Funding that will take place on 27 November 2017 at the ECSA office. With ECSA C-10057 of 31.07.17 and C-10115 of 06.10.17 the secretariat informed that DG MOVE and INEA will attend this ECSA seminar, which will be organised for both NA and shipping companies. Focus of this meeting will be an open exchange of views aiming to identify any gabs and issues related to the EU funding applications procedure, as well as to explain the mismatch between the oversubscription of the Motorways of the Sea (MoS) on the one hand and the fact that the MoS envelope is not entirely spent on the other hand. This EU Funding seminar will last from 10:00 to 13:00 and a lunch will follow from 13:00 to 14:00.


You are invited to inform your shipping companies about this seminar. You are also kindly invited to inform the secretariat ( about your participation by 16 November. 

The secretariat liaised with DG MOVE and INEA and agreed on the following:


Firstly, DG MOVE will set the scene concerning the MoS envelope and will update on the latest version of the MoS Detailed Implementation Plan (DIP) of Brian Simpson. DG MOVE will also inform about the state of the play with regard to the latest calls and the future ones. DG MOVE will share the general picture and the profile of the projects concerning the 2017 Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Blending Call (the first applications’ deadline closed on 14 July 2017) and will share information about future money available and the MoS envelope.

  • INEA

A second slot will be dedicated to INEA. INEA will refer to the criteria of the CEF calls and specific elements that INEA is looking for in the applications, their priorities and a presentation on what companies need to do to apply successfully.



A final slot will be dedicated to shipping companies and shipowners will be able to express any challenges and difficulties they face and comment on past and present calls. Shipping companies will have the change to underline specific needs they have and elements they would like to see amended in the future with regard to the applications’ procedure and criteria set.  In order to set the scene and start the discussion we are looking for company representatives that could give a short presentation on their (good and bad) experiences with applying for EU funding.  We invite them to contact the secretariat by 31.10.2017.

  • Q & A


Lastly, a ‘Questions and Answers’ (Q & A) session will follow, where a transparent discussion should take place. Members are invited to prepare any comments and questions.


A final circular with the names of the representatives from DG MOVE and INEA will follow shortly. Any comments on this seminar are welcome and will be taken into account.

We thank you in advance and we remain at your disposal for any clarification / request.