Swedish Shipowners’ Association changes its name to Svensk Sjöfart

Swedish Shipowners ’Association will be Svensk Sjöfart, The Swedish Shipowners’ Association. The name change was presented at the annual meeting of Hasselbacken, in Stockholm on 23 April.

-Renewal is part of our development said Anders Boman, president of the association and explained to the participants at the annual meeting now was part of a historic moment – the union has had its name in 109 years.

-With the name change, we want to trade association signal to the outside world that shipping is a nutrient of importance for the whole of Sweden, said Anders Boman, now chairman of Svensk Sjöfart.

Anders Boman also pointed out that the new name select the shipping industry that shipping has both the aspirations of potential to develop and grow in Sweden.

The name change has taken place at the initiative of the association’s member companies and is a step in a process of change. He also sees advantages to the association becomes more clear sender of their brands – the new name better reflects the professional association activities: the development of Swedish shipping.

International retains Svensk Sjöfart continue the name: Swedish Shipowners’ Association.


Contact: Irene Fällström, Communications 070 568 80 61